I'm walking with multiple family members who are in what I call "God's Waiting Room" - likely very near to death. And what I am interested in is resources/ways to encourage those in anticipatory grief. Also having loved a couple centenarians - I wondered what resources there are for those who experience longsuffering - who want to be with Jesus...but God chooses to leave here for quite an extended period of time. Today I'm going to a funeral for a dear friend who passed last Saturday at age 103. How can we encourage those who are waiting - especially when the waiting comes with extended physical and/or emotional suffering as well?

So, more succinctly: (1) Resources for those who are walking through anticipatory grief and (2) How to love well/support those who are enduring long suffering (whether that includes long life or just a great amount of time in pain and suffering)

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Thank you Lauren. When I read this, I realize that I can identify several people who are living in this same journey. I'll start listening for resources like this. And thank you for your caring about and for and with people. Jon.

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