Hey Jon - I am very interested in learning more about your work.

I have developed a rapidly growing interest on the other side of grief. Learning about, preparing for, adjusting to the reality of our own deaths, and the deaths of others. Two sides of the same coin? Kinda, I suppose, but grief can be prepared for those who understand death better. There are not many willing to take a serious look at death until they have to. Then it may be a bit too late. Thoughts?

This was all galvanized by the surprise death of my mom in July.

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Hey Frank.

We're not good in our US culture at talking about grief or talking about death. And when the latter comes, and we are shocked by it because we didn't anticipate it, we also aren't ready to think that the grief may seep into every part of us.

Death and grieving will always be hard. Particularly when it's the death of someone who had been breathing and speaking into us our whole lives. But being aware of the eventuality will help us with fewer regrets among other things.

We will stay in touch.

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Thank you for sharing your research thoughts with us. Grief support is so important, and I will follow your progress with great interest. I've been reading your blog for years (and now your newsletter), and it's obvious you are perfectly suited to do this work. It is also taking on new dimensions for me as my mother has limited time with us. Thank you for doing this!

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Thanks, Bree. I will do what i can to be helpful as you are spending time with your mom.

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