Hi Jon, Your previous article about funeral arrangements did spur me to take action. Several years ago ( a couple of decades) my wife and I did the preplanning and actually bought the insurance plan to pay for it. After it was paid in full the funeral home contacted me and tried to sell me more because they said the prices had gone up and the policy wasn't going to cover it.

In the meantime, I met the owners of another funeral home that I liked better and when this came up, I checked and found out that our policy could be transferred to them. But I never did that until your article and that prompted me to get it done. Turns out it will not cost us anymore than we've paid and now we're with a place we like. Thanks for the nudge.

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Thanks for following through. And for letting us know. We don't want to ask, or to talk about some things. And yet, you learned, by asking, that there are people to trust.


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Hi Jon,

First thanks so much for your helpful posts. I share with two dear friends whom both serve folks. One in a hospital setting the other in hospice. They have have found your posts and book very good resources.

I'm baby-boomer, sadly my folks never shared anything with us five kids. No finance, setting a budget or making plans for end of life. Like it was too difficult of a job. We were forced into dealing with funeral arrangements with the sudden unexpected passing of our Dad. Helping Mom at a terrible time. Three years after this I lost my oldest daughter in a sudden tragic way. She had a family but no will or last wishes. Again, the worst time possible in a grieving person's life. Our Mom will be 90, Lord willing but finds it all to stressful to plan ahead. Her few children will step up to deal with. So hard and sad.

My husband and I on the other hand have all our plans decided upon and all paperwork filed and in order. We want to be a blessing like his folks were to us, leaving us with minimal things to deal with.

Don't leave things to your children, make the plans and know you have covered the necessary. Now you can even leave your car to someone, check your bank accounts for POD. Forget where I read but, We can only do our giving when we are alive (knowing where it's going) after we pass that blessing will go to someone else. Good advice!

Blessing, Kate

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So thank you for the reminder about updating things to POD (Payable on Death). I'm not in any way a legal or financial advisor. I can, however, suggest thinking through things.

Thanks for sharing about your daughter. I'm sorry.

And your daughter's sudden death is why I care so much about thinking and talking these questions through. The conversations don't jinx anything. Far from it. But in times of deep sadness, it's helpful to leave yourself (or your loved ones) room to grieve.

Thank you.

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